Nitya Raama Smaranam - Baala Kaanda- 06
Reminiscing our Purushottama's Sri Rama's childhood.
One Ramayana - Many Names!
What’s in a name? A lot, if we look at the names that Maharishi Valmiki gave to the Adi Kavya –
Let us look at the shloka on this –
काव्यं रामायणं कृत्स्न्नं सीतायाश्चरितं महत् |
पौलस्त्यवधमित्येवं चकार चरितव्रतः ||
Meaning – It is Mata Sita who is the pivot on which the Ramayana revolves and hence the epic is Sitayascharitam Mahat – The great story of Mata Sita. Ravana’s end is the next objective and hence Maharishi Valmiki also names the epic Poulastyavadha, i.e. the slaying of Paulastya (Ravana is Paulastya as he is descended from Maharishi Pulastya).