Nitya Raama Smaranam - Baala Kaanda- 10

Reminiscing our Purushottama's Sri Rama's childhood.

Brahmarishi Vashishta - Bow to the Kulaguru!

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha!

• Brahmarishi Vashishta is foremost among the Saptarishis and Kula-Guru of the Suryavamsha.
• He returns as Suryavamsha’s kula-guru on Raja Ikshvaaku’s request.
• He arranges the Ashwamedha Yagna for Raja Dasharatha to help him beget children.
• The Sage is also known for authoring the Seventh Mandala of Rg-Veda and Vashishta Samhita!


Sage Vashishta’s confrontation with Raja Kaushika, who later becomes the Brahmarishi Vishwamitra is legendary. Read more below in ‘Story in Pictures’.

The Sage is also known for authoring the Seventh Mandala of Rg-Veda and Vashishta Samhita!

The Story in Pictures