Nitya Raama Smaranam - Baala Kaanda- 14

Reminiscing our Purushottama's Sri Rama's childhood.

Constructing the Yagna Vedi (Fire Altar)



Constructing the Yagna Vedi, isn’t an easy task. From the wood to be chosen, the length of the altars, it was a precise art!

• Yupa stambhas (ritual posts) comprised six each of Bilwa wood, Khadira wood and Parnina wood were staked, besides, one of Sleshmaataka wood and two of Devadaaru wood.
• There are 21 posts with each at arms’ length distance. Each post is twenty-one aratni high (one Aratni = 45 metres, so a post is 945 metres tall). All posts were decoratively clothed and adorned with flowers and perfumes.
• Bricks for the Yagna Vedis are made to standard measurements. Construction of the Vedi is called Ishtikaa Chayana, where each brick is consecrated with hymns and designed to a particular shape.
Nearly 300 animals were tied to ritual posts, besides the ritual horse.

To know what was special about the altar constructed for Raja Dasharatha, read ‘Story in Pictures’ below 

Construction of the Vedi is called Ishtikaa Chayana, where each brick is consecrated with hymns and designed to a particular shape.

The Story in Pictures