Nitya Raama Smaranam - Baala Kaanda- 16
Reminiscing our Purushottama's Sri Rama's childhood.
A Meeting in Brahmaloka
Any Yagna was done not just for the benefit of the Yajamaan, or the performer, but for the benefit of the society as well. Here are some of the Daanas, or donations made by Raja Dasharatha –
• First, Raja Dasharatha symbolically donated his Kingdom – the East to the Hota, West to the Adhvaryu, South to the Brahma priest and the North to the Udgaata.
• The priests then return the Kingdom to Raja Dasharatha, deeming him the Earth’s protector. In exchange, Raja Dasharatha gave the priests a million cows, 10 million gold coins and 40 million silver coins. These were then given to Maharishi Rishyasringa and Maharishi Vashishta for distribution among priests.
• The priests then bless Raja Dasharatha with aashiirwachana mantras.