Bharat Narratives’ Bala Prashnottari

A Quiz by Children for Children!

We are pleased to announce our first competitive event for this year, on the auspicious occassion of Sri Rama Navami on Thursday, March 30, 2023. The Quiz will be held from 4-6 pm IST.  

What is the event all about?

The event is a first-of-its-kind Quiz, where children will be both ‘Quizmasters’ and ‘Quiz Players’ in turns.

Format of the Quiz

Children Ask, Children Play! 

There will be teams of two each. As this event aims to not just let children win, but also learn, one set of teams will quiz the other set in Round 1, while the play will reverse in Round 2. In the final round, participants will play a Buzzer Round with the Quizmaster.                                 

Mode of Playing

This time, it will be a face-to-face play though online, through Google Meet. The questions will get challenging with each round, but then that’s the excitement isn’t it? 


The top three teams with the most points will be declared winners, who will receive books/games based on the Ramayana.

The final scores of the team will include points from all rounds.

 Jai Shri Ram!

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