Know Your Mahabharata – Chapter 2 – Karna – Misplaced Ambitions?

Know Your Mahabharata -Karna - Chapter 2 - Misplaced Ambitions?

The Know Your Mahabharata Series is an effort to build awareness about the Vyasa Mahabharata in its original form as composed by the sage and debunk myths that have cropped up around the Epic over the Ages.

Part 2 will cover why and how Karna ended up at the Gurukula of Bhagavaan Parashuraama and also the incidents at the Rangabhoomi at Hastinapura

  • Why did Bhagavan Parashurama ‘curse’ Karna?

  • Did Karna rightly ‘enter’ the Rangbhoomi (arena) at Hastinapura?

In these sessions, we are happy to have author and Mahabharata enthusiast Bharathi V. She is the author of the story ‘The Fall of the First Son’ from the Unsung Valour anthology and ‘Subhadra- The Auspicious One’ from the Aryaa anthology (by Indic Academy).


She is active on Twitter, Instagram (as MyMBJourney), Substack ( and Facebook (as BharathiVAuthor) with her #MahabharathOnWhatsapp posts, the #StoryInSquares series, sharing interesting snippets and tales from the great epic.

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